1/7 – Q Drops


And here are the 3 tweets from Trump mentioned:

Notice that Trump is saying something pretty similar to what Q mentioned.  That’s the first point, that Trump wrote a similar message to Q, tying them together again.

Why is it important that the news is not covering successes?  To prove they are the enemy.  They are over and over showing that they will ignore news they don’t want to report on to follow after their masters in trying to discredit and bring down Trump.  Each time they do it, they shovel their graves a little deeper.  When the big truth comes out and people open their eyes, there will be no doubt what the news has done.  They cannot deny it once a certain amount of truth gets out.


Anon putting the tweets and Q drop together to read.  Q just pointed out he was missed the 3rd tweet from Trump.  “The reason why we are here” is I guess to help connect the dots for Americans.  Show what Trump is really doing, what the enemy is doing in response and provide direction.



You can follow that link, but the search is getting a little old.  The page was full of news that Ruth Bader Ginsburg ( RBG – Supreme Court Judge Q has been discussing these last couple days ) missed her first oral argument ever in her 25 years as a supreme court judge.  Q says “what a coincidence”.  So when Q brings up stuff about her, suddenly something strange happens. We are told she had surgery for cancer and is healing well…. but we’ve also learned to not believe what the news tells us.


Anon drops an article about this on the boards, Q points out that it is the first time in 25 years.  That’s a big deal to have never missed before.  Surely she has been sick or had other problems before but has never missed.  Why miss now?

There are a lot of theories floating around, the most likely are that she’s in such bad shape that she isn’t even able to respond.  Perhaps she just can’t get up, but more likely she’s not even concsious, being kept alive by machines.  If she was able to talk and respond, they would be throwing that on the news to reassure the masses that she is well.  Since there have been no public sightings of her, and no access to her recovery, it must be going worse.  There’s some talk that she may have already died and they are covering it up.  Either way, they can use her legal assistants to take notes, pretend like they’re delivering it to her and possibly even vote for her in her absence.  Expect them to drag this on as long as they can.  To admit she can’t fulfill her duty and open up another spot to Trump would be really bad for them.  She was brought on to try and legalize and cover for their atrocities.  To be replaced by another honest judge would seal their fate even further.  Right now the board is sort of split.  I think the rule of law has the majority, just barely.

Odd note, her birthday is on 3/15.  Remember that watch, it was pointing between 3:14 and 3:15.  Could be related.  That could also be related to Trump’s speech last night.

Guess I’ll bring that up even though no Q drop.  Trump went on to talk about border security.  He had the Democrats panicked he would declare national emergency, and they even set up a counter speech by Schumer and Pelosi for directly after his speech.  The news coverage and others talking about it was horrible.  Everything was so negative.  In the end, Trump came on and reasonable argued for better border security.  Called out all the political leaders and why they had walls around their houses and how this is the same.  Pointed out all the crime and death that comes through the southern border.  Just put the argument out and said they’ll meet with congress on the next day ( 1/9 ) to discuss.  I couldn’t bring myself to watch Schumer and Pelosi, but from what I heard, they just sounded negative and contrary like always.

Trump continues to drive in that the wall is important for security, that the democrats used to support it, and that now they don’t only to work against him.

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