11/25 – Q Drops



Well, this is interesting.  It was a long twitter thread showing the hypocrisy of the media.  Same author, same news site, with articles that basically said the opposite things because they were trying to make Trump look bad.  The strangest part, this account has been suspended by twitter.  Here’s a video someone made showing the different posts.



Looks like Q created the new board for the Anon’s to get on and converse as well.


Q follower in Iran.  They just popped up in the news again lately.


Q pic in Asia.  Is that Korean?  I don’t know my languages well enough.


Bigger version of that post if you want to skim

Basically a compilation of news sites that are posting articles against Qanon as a conspiracy.  Bottom is excerpt from a CIA document talking about how to handle leaks.  How they handle the media.


Looks like it’s military abbreviations



So we’re seeing a number of Democrats with security “issues”.  Q is telling us they are not a coincidence.  Links relate to the lines above.

  1. Diane Fienstein had a chinese spy working (as her driver? forgot) for her for 20 years.  This was discovered and she was fired a year or so back.
  2. Multiple Democratic politicians used the Awans as IT resources.  The main one I’m thinking of is Wasserman Schultz.  They were selling information to their country in middle east and even bragging about all the access they had.
  3. Omar has been accused of being an agent of Qatar and selling secrets to them.
  4. Clinton server was “hacked” and copied all emails from Hillary over to China.

So are these a coincidence, or more likely a known money making scheme for democrat politicians.

[VJ] is probably Valerie Jarret, one of the handlers for Obama, who works for Iran most likely.

John Kerry is very obviously running behind the scenes with other countries trying to thwart Trump’s policies.

So if this is all known, why is it allowed to happen.  All of these are treason which should lead to arrest.  In the past it was because they were protected, since all of the high ranking people were in on this stuff.  Now?  Since Trump and team have taken control of enough.  I can think of two reasons:

  1. Gather evidence in a legal fashion.  Much of Q’s information is from intelligence agencies which can’t be used on citizens unless the right protocols are followed.  “FISA goes both ways”
  2. Holding off to prepare the public.  People arrested too fast, they’ll scream coup and start a civil war or riots.


I didn’t dig much here.  Official Secrets is a movie about leaking government info to the press.  Sounds like what the D’s do all the time to get at Trump.


Yippee.  I’m a russian bot again.  So all the big media companies keep pushing russian bots because they’re covering for someone.

Media is controller by the 6 companies who own something like 90% of it.

6 companies are owned by?  I’m not sure exactly who but those trying to control the world.  Those against Trump obviously.

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