12/2 – Q Drops


Site defining treason


And definition. If you’re reading this, you probably don’t have doubts this is happening, but a good reminder to all those on the wrong side of history.


Trip code is how Q is identified on the boards.  His id/password(or something like that) generate his trip.  This is how we can know it’s him.  Also from the information and pictures he drops.


Trump tweet.  Q is saying to look for the delta between tweet on trip config and Trump tweet.


1 minute delta.  This has happened too many times for it not to be clear that Trump is tweeting within a minute of a Q drop to confirm it’s him.  This is to confirm not only Trump is involved(yet again for us), but also to confirm this Q trip code is legit.  Notice Trump will tweet after a Q drop.


Watch and pen from earlier pictures.  Another identifier to give new pictures of previous items/locations so you can see it’s the same person.


Guess that’s Q saying it’s getting time for justice to be had.




Chat is showing how one family controls google, youtube, and 23andme ( DNA company ).  Then a video from 60 minutes and bing search results showing the shear number of negative stories against Q.  No reason for this to keep going on and on unless they are really scared for some reason.  Have to keep people too confused to research for themselves.  If too many people “awake”, then they lose their control.  If they lose control, then people start going to jail or worse.


Picture from old posts.  Notice name of image is LisaMI6.  Old pictures were thought to be of Lisa Page in London.  This looks like another view of that.  Was she meeting with MI6?  The timeframe was back during the “backup plan” texts of her and Peter Strokz when Trump looked like he might be able to win.


The release date of FISA was given to force the enemy to use up something else to try and distract or stop it.  Once is was George Bush’s death, another time it was a shooting, or similar deal.  They can forcing them to use whatever they have to stop things.  Once they run out, they can’t divert or distract as well.


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