3/26 – Q Drops



First is this video about the pandemic and the democrats using this to attack Trump.  Go ahead and watch, it’s a good summary of where we are at with it.


First is an article about President Lincoln suspending habeus corpus.  That’s the right to not be held without a trial.  Looks like that can be withheld in the case of Treason.  So people could be arrested and held for a longer time if they’ve committed treason.  I suspect this is a warning to folks that even if they have judges on their side, if they don’t come before a judge we can hold them until those judges are cleared.  If people disappear for a while, perhaps they’re being held.  I suspect we’re being told when the time comes, enough people will be arrested they’ll have to suspend it for a bit to try them all.  That last article I believe was just saying that for reasons of treason Habeus Corpus can be suspended.


Q reminder that so many of those working against us are actually traitors.  Have they worked with China against us for example?  Have they been plotting with other countries.  I think this whole virus thing has shown us where China stands.


Q reminding us of an old drop.  No direct communication from Q outside of the 8kun/8chan platform ( 8chan got deplatformed and came back as 8kun ).  Personally I think this was in response to this weird guy, Austin Steinbart(something like that).  He popped up on twitter a couple months ago claiming that he was Q ( from the future or something weird like that ).  He showed up with some classified info and showing information he shouldn’t be able to have.  He also seemed to have a big following.  I thing he was a plant from someone else to try and confuse folks.  There seemed to be a lot of people paying attention to him, but that’s also easy to fake with computers.  About 2 weeks back Alex Jones(Infowars) came up saying he was going to reveal who Q is the next week.  Well, a couple days later Austin was arrested and Alex never mentioned anything.  So, I think that pretty well shut this all down.  Austin in jail and Q posting.


We’re in a war, but not a typical one we’re being invaded.  We’ve been infiltrated.  China for example has bought many politicians and organizations.  Just look at the virus.  You’re called racist if you say it came from China.  The World Health Organization provided cover for China telling everyone that it wasn’t even being transmitted between people and urging them not to shut down traffic to cover for China’s mistake.  We’re being attacked from within.



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