7/17 – Q drops


Basically, we have notes that the FBI (and others) knew the steele dossier which was the foundation of the FISA warrants was unreliable before many of the warrants were granted. Basically, it’s clear now that people knew it couldn’t be trusted but pushed it anyway. Evidence that they can push ahead on the case and that this was a political hit job, not an investigation. How long that takes to turn into a trial and convications, no idea.


Peter Strzok notes showing his was already investigating Trump as early as when he was inagurated. I’m sure the timeline is important, probably to show this was happening from before he was President.

Are any of us actually surprised? No. Tracy Beanz wrote an article with a little more information about it here.

What’s the point of inflating numbers? Keeping us closed down until the election. Hold the economy down. Make people scared. Blame Trump. If you look around I’m told we’re the only country not sending kids back to school, most of them aren’t even doing the mask stuff like us.

Who benefits? Those blaming Trump for this, blaming him for bad economy, etc.

Pro-America or Anti-America? Anti. It’s dragging America down and letting others go ahead or control us.

Infiltration. Q says this a lot. It’s sounding more and more like actors from other countries are trying to take us over from the inside rather than a way. If they can trick us into electing them, they can slowly shut us down and control us like they have without fighting a war. A war with us they couldn’t win, but infiltrating us. They were close.

Most of the hype is about the election, not the virus. We keep seeing stories not that the federal government has taken over control from CDC on the numbers that things have been inflated.

So according to Texas numbers, covid has killed signficantly less than the flu the last two years. How were the mortality rates shown to be so high? Because the initial wave of covid was made more lethal by locking it into the nursing homes in 4 states by democratic governers. I know New York and Michigan, don’t remember the rest. Those spiked the numbers so much early on, it helped them to create a panic.

Win by any means necessary. It sounds like the left is so panicked about winning this election they’re willing to commit crimes and even kill people to do it. Basically, if they lose, they can expect to end up in jail for these actions. From this, we know they are very concerned about the election.

How do you provide cover for raising the positive cases if necessary? You set up early “problems” in the cdc with testing, and then you have an excuse to use later saying they couldn’t clean it up.

Thank pawpaw – Pretty sure this is a reference to the president of an African company that tested a piece of pawpaw fruit and other things and the labs returned them back as positive cases of covid. Lately I’ve seen a bunch of reports on people setting up a test, missing the appointment, then being sent their results that they are positive. Or nurses who weren’t buying it and shipped in tests that were just dipped in saline and came back positive.

Swamp runs deep – Q says this over and over and I keep thinking that I understand but I don’t think I do. Here’s an example. The swamp is so deep that they can not only control the CDC and how they output data to keep things looking bad, but they can somehow force labs to do their dirty work and report things wrong, influence governors and mayors to lock down their cities when unnecessary, and convince us all that masks help when we were told they us they didn’t help before. How do they have so much control still?

News is fake. Yeah. Notice how they never speak of the trends in deaths because that shows the virus is mostly done. Nope, all about positive cases which they’ve deceptively inflated. I even saw it with some family. You mention how number of cases have gone up because there’s more testing and you get this immediate “Oh trump and fox just saw that, blah blah blah”. The conditioning is good from the news.

War is real. Literally. People are dying because of the nursing home setup. They are dying because they hide the good medicine and block the studies. They are dying because people have lost their jobs, been isolated, and kids are being forced to stay home.


That’s the Florida news I mentioned earlier. Bunch of labs are reporting 100% positive cases when it’s really like 8%. It’s inflating the positivity rate making it look like a huge wave rather than just showing that they’re doing a crazy amount of testing so of course it’s going up. Also, mixed into this is the viral vs antibody tests. Tests done on antibodies of people who may have been sick weeks or even months ago show up in new positive counts.

How important is the florida 2020 election? Florida is one of the big swing states. Trump taking Florida was part of the reason he succeeded and they need it back if they’re to have a chance.

1 lab speaks of 1 lab being wrong could be a persons mistake, but having 10-20 labs doing the same thing, it’s clear it’s coordinated. Still don’t believe how people don’t pick up on this.

Largest coordinated misinformation campaign speaks to how much all news, politicians, and celebrities have pushed covid upon us. Things that are clear and have studies for them are discounted in mass now because they have pushed it so far. They’re willing to step out to where it will be clear they were pushing lies if they don’t succeed.

Who benefits. Same people.

Interesting that this lasts until right after the election. Why pick that date? Cause it’s all about politics. No need to keep it going after that. What worries me a little is the next line:

Prepare for zero day [massive cyber-power] attack [attempts] on 11.4.

Sounds like if they lose the election, then a big cyber attack will be unleashed upon our country to take out power, utilities, probably the internet, etc. This is the sort of situation that we believe Q has planned for by setting up the emergency alert system to be able to receive messages from the president. If everything goes out, will we be given messages on what is going on. Couple important parts here. First, if they’re willing to stage a massive cyber attack, they are desperate. Second, the word [attempts] added in. Means Q knows of this and they are preparing for it. Hopefully it’s an attempt at most and is blocked, or only works in isolated areas. It also could just be that they are letting it out to let them know they are planning and to hopefully not even try. Either way, I think I’ll be a little prepared for that day just in case.

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