Lin Wood’s on a roll

I’ve been telling people that it’s good that Q has been quiet. When he goes quiet, everything is moving along as planned. I’ve also been expect two things in the days leading up to the 6th.

  1. Big drop of something bad
  2. Q to post either right before the 6th or during all the trials

Walk back the lasts two election cycles. Hillary’s emails come out right before election, help sway just enough to overrun the steal they had planned. This election, Biden’s son Hunter has a bunch drop on him right before. They needed to swing it SO much that the steal was obvious this time. Make them overreach to where they couldn’t possibly cover it all.

Well, I think #1 in in process and it’s Lin Wood. He’s one of the lawyers who had bring bringing up info about the election shenanigans. Friends with both Sydney and Mike Flynn. He’s been making some posts of things a lot like what Q has been saying and people started to think he was a bit nuts. Last night he decided to just drop it out there. I’m just going to screenshot a bunch of his tweets. Doubt I need to add much info.

I’m doing actual screenshots in case twitter shuts his account like I suspect they will. Sort of surprised it’s still up.

There have been a lot of questions on Pence. I wanted to believe he was good, but it’s sure starting to sound like he may be a plant. Expect we’ll find out on wednesday.

Remember those letters that a bunch of people ( Bush’s, Obama, etc ) got during the funeral. Pence had one two. Everyone that opened it made an interesting face about what was in there. It’s been the center of a lot of speculation.

Link from that tweet:

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