12/21 and 12/22 – Q Drops


Same news site, same author, same country in the news, completely opposite headline.  Oh, we need troops out until Trump says he will, now we need the troops there.

Yes, why does anyone even listen to them anymore.  It actually takes more effort to make sense of the article and what new reason they’ve found for actions than it does to ignore it.  How hard it must be to trust these people.



Wow, I hadn’t read that article before.  Huge number of offices in the military relieved under Obama.  Looks like Obama was asserting his control and dominance over them.  Getting rid of those who would dare not listen, and probably many who might block his plans.  No wonder Isis was able to grow.  I bet anyone who showed initiative was rooted out.  Basically ISIS expanding under Obama and Hillary.  They worked together to weaken our country in preparation for her 8 years of presidency to destroy America.



Previous presidents said we needed a wall.  Suddenly, Democrats say having a wall is a problem.  What changed?  That the wall is actually being built and it’s hurting their side-gig, which is drugs, human trafficking, and other crimes which requires the ability to smuggle things across the border.  They are paid a lot to look the other way.


Another video about the “Wall” agruments.