1/6 – Q Drops



Top part are all quotes from that article.  I feel like Q dropped this once before.

Who’s treating her? Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.  I saw a post from someone on voat saying that they had a family member who had worked there and that hospital has several floors that are locked off for “special” patients.  Basically, they have better medicines and procedures for certain people, but not the regular folk.

What other political heads affiliated with?  I’m not seeing who, but being in New York, I’d guess the Clintons for one.  Maybe McCain in there, there are comments from a doctor at this hospital about McCain but not sure who treated him.  Of course his may not have been real.
Drugs provided?  We don’t know but I’m sure they have special things.  Just look at her, how has she kept moving?
Real diagnosis?  I heard someone say Dementia.  There’s a good possibility they’re using cancer as a cover for old age.  That way her looking more frail makes sense.  Besides, she had surgery and then was showing up for something soon afterward?  Surgery on anyone puts you down for weeks.  At her age, that should be months.

Who is really managing her care?  Those who are trying to destroy america.  She was brought in to protect them, to destory values of America.  Just read her comments and it’s clear what she believes in, or at least what she doesn’t believe in.

“Clock is ticking” and “Panic in DC” make me think her time is about up.



Q confirming what Trump did with Scaramucci first.  Bring in a temp, temp does the dirty cleanup work which they can more easily do since they didn’t have to go through the full approval process from Senate.  Gives them flexibility ( I guess because they are temporary and know they aren’t there for the long run ).  Trump has several heads now that are temporary.  I wouldn’t be surprised if this also helps force them to start approving more of his people rather than have these uncontrolled temps.


How many FISA warrents are still in place for those under Trump that were targeted to spy on Trump.  Sounds like none ( or few ).  They did that to force those people to go over to Five Eyes(ally countries that can also spy on us) to get that information.  By doing that, those people have now worked with foreign powers against the US…. oops, that’d be treason.  Guess what the Executive Order that took effect at the first of the year gives Trump the ability to do.  That’s right, try those who act against the US in tribunals.  I suspect they’ve been watching it and keeping track.

Germany losing stranglehold on EU?  I suspect that’s partially to do with all the protests.  It’s sounding like Macron could get thrown out, as they’re such unrest.  I didn’t realize that Germany was the main powerhouse behind the EU, but we know Merkel (PM of Germany I think) has a shady past and is a ringleader of a lot of the bad things going on in the EU.



Of course.  That’s how he can let the Army loose to build the wall.  He has no set a press conference for the 8th at 9pm eastern to discuss the border.  You can tell it has panicked a lot of those in the news and government.  Lots of stuff going out.  I suspect some big news to pop up tomorrow.  Whenever Trump decides to talk straight to the country live, the deep state panics wondering what he might reveal.  Usually they make a couple mistakes during those times as well.




Links are for different times CIA surveillance was covered up.  So Cruz was being monitored as well, that just put him higher in my book.  CIA was survailing anyone that could be a threat of course.  They’ve spread so far, that from the people I’ve heard talk, they have to be dismantled.  We know they’ve been running drugs for a long time ( Bush’s were involved there ), probably trafficking people as well.  Selling weapons ( ISIS ).  They’ve found their own money sources outside of the government, which means the government doesn’t have control.  Sure they replaced the head, but probably a large chunk just went underground.  They have “contractors” who are in all fields.  Now they’re even running for office.  Why would they run for office, to get control back.  They need enough people in office combined with the blackmail they have on others, or the payments they make, to keep them and the Deep State folks that work with them in control.  Snowden worked for the CIA prior to going to the NSA.  Sounds like he’s also working with the Russians since that was his final destination.

No idea what role Brenann played, but I suspect he’s still running a bunch of the CIA.

As for “Hello [AS]”.  The initial guess is Adam Schiff actually works with the CIA, usually AS means him, but there’s another congress women(or senate) with those initials and CIA background, so it could be targeted at her.

As for the question that should scare every american.  How did Clinton get access to those SAP’s that are in a “closed system”.  Closed means you shouldn’t be able to pull them out.  How did she get access, through one of the Five Eyes channels of course.  She likes to take trips to australia for some reason.  Apparently former government officials still have connects in Five Eyes countries and can gain access to classified materials.  I bet those countries aren’t supposed to have those documents either.  America for sale.


So Democrats and Media pushed multiple lies about Trump, when they fall through, they change plans and push something else ( narrative changes ).  I assume FAKEWOOD is hollywood.  Odds of getting 2/3’s Senate to impeach like they’ve been saying.  Very low odds.  Republicans have control of Senate and they’ve been cleaned up of many of the deep state operatives.  Trump and Q solidified the Senate against this.

Then Q begins to list off everything they(Deep State) lost.  Trump can now slowly rebuild, replace, and establish freedom in US again.  Pull us out of all these deals to take our money, strengthen our military to provide safety, replace judges to bring back law and order, etc.  Had Clinton been able to appoint 2 more judges, the constitution would be done.  They could’ve gotten away with anything as the Supreme Court would let them off.



Not sure which way to take this.  Deshowitz says he was framed, and that there are emails showing all of these high level people involved in underage sex crimes.  Well, we know that.  I’m not sure if he’s pointing at Trump or others.  Q responds “Get in line”.  Probably a “get in line” with the accusations that will come out against others?  Not sure.  We know there will be a lot revealed at some point.


Maggie posted another random “train” tweet a while back that Q referenced.  Maggie is a NY Times employee that was used by the Obama admin to leak out materials they wanted in the news.  She’s deep in with the deep state.  I think she has a handler that uses her for communication and this is a coded message for their people.  The amtrak conductor is her handler.  Those on the train are probably those involved with the coverups and attempted framing of Trump.  Deep state basically.  If you’re found smoking ( you start making a scene ), we’ll assume you’re on fire ( you’ve confessed to your crimes ), and we’ll take action ( take you out ). Something along those lines makes sense.  Q says you better get off the train.  Time is about out and then you’re all done for.


And here’s a rundown of all the relevant tweets by Maggie.

So in June she let people know Trump was driving Q?  Then she warned using the “intercom” was for emergencies only.  They’re being monitored, so don’t give away any info.  Only use their methods of communication if absolutely necessary.  Of course Q was on it.  now they’re saying if you look like you’re a danger, we’ll take care of you.

Q basically says, “we can talk code too”.  Stupid people just stay still.  You still have a chance ( Q’s trying to get some to come clean ).  But the time is running out.



Oh, you should read that article about James Comey.  Ouch.  From everything I’ve seen, it sounds about right on the money.  Opinion piece, but interesting that Fox news let it be posted.  Guess they’re not happy with Comey.




Strange that MKUltra just popped back up in the news from UK.  MKultra is a CIA run mind-control program started back in the 50’s-60’s.  Mainly using drugs, psychiatry, devices, etc.  Anything they could do.  Q’s told us that several of the shooters were probably MKUltra.  People who fit a certain profile ( certain psyciatric “issues” ), put on different drugs, usually going to a clinic that is “treating” their issues, and programming them.  Only a certain set can be controlled.  Well, now we find the UK had something to do with it as well.  I bet MI6 has helped to keep things going when the CIA had to hide it more.

The Hint is new.  That 2nd article talks about embedding microchips to help people working with artifical limbs.  Who wants to guess those microchips can do other things. t here have been plenty of experiments by the CIA in the past on animals and putting circuitry in their head to try and control them.

Past that, I got lost.