11/25 – Q Drops


Everything stated has a purpose – Donald Trump’s tweets aren’t just to mouth off.  Each time he does one, there is a reason.  As we’ve found, a bunch of the seemingly random ones are targeted at a specific person or situation.  In this case we’re being told this is related to the last big drop from Q talking about Dec 5 hearing that could be the start of the avalanche.  Maggie is Maggie Haberman from NY Times who tweeted about the “Q train” and we know to be in bed with the Clintons.  Clinton Foundation financials came out and sure enough the year after she stopped being the Secretary of State, suddenly there’s a large drop in their donations.  Trump/McCarthy/Q are saying that this is evidence that she was “pay to play”, basically give me a donation as payment for service I’m giving you.  Selling out our country.

First time Q said “extremely vigilant” and “extreme panic” that I remember.  Guess this is getting close to that make or break moment and they might be willing to do something big.


Ok, recap time.  Corsi means Jermoe Corsi.  He’s an old name around Washington.  Analyst/Publisher.  Knows a bunch of the people.  Conservative(supposedly).  He’s been working for Infowars for a while now, exposing Deep State, etc.  He has a book out about the Trump’s war with the Deep State.  Sounds like the kind of guy you could trust… Or not.  Corsi came in somewhere in the middle of the Q movement getting going and tried to subvert it.  He did a lot of videos and audios with his “decodes”.  There was a lot of truth to them, which is why people followed, then he attempted to discredit Q and lead them off, probably back to Alex Jones.  Q finally came out and outed him as working with Mossad.  Recent news has him making a plea deal with Mueller.  Guess he is one of those bad pretending to be good.  Think “Fake MAGA” below.  Looks like he’s for Trump, but he has bad motives.  I’m curious of Mueller has real evidence against him.  Q is counting several others who have left the White House as bad as well.  Most, but not all.  Some are deep state who have conspired together, others want to keep their power or money, others are working for a different government.  Fake MAGA means fake American pride.

I agree that Transparency is the only way, but Q isn’t exactly transparent.  I guess we’re hopefully getting to that point when people can accept the truth.

Q referencing his old drop about classification.  Basically, it’s against the law to classify things for political purposes.  Guess what’s been going on all the time with FISA.  Now Whitaker is in, and he’s approved the declassification that was requested by Congress and Trump that we’ve been waiting on for a month or two now.  Will they declassify before or after the testimonies.  Here’s a recap I saw of what’s coming up.

2018-11-25 21.37.18.png

If they declassify ahead of the testimonies ( mainly next week ), will that affect Comey, Lynch and Huber?  When it’s clear Comey and Lynch were lying and covering with others, what will they say.

“DC has become RAT infested”

Does that just mean how many people have become involved in the coverups?   Or perhaps that some of these people might rat each other out to save their skin.  If they wait until afterward to declass, and Comey/Lynch know it’s coming, then they will purjure themselves yet again.  They have to be very careful with their answers, and I suspect the right questions will be asked.

Which way will it go?  Probably depends upon how they react.  I suspect they’re ready to go either depending on which gives the most advantage.

At the end, it sounds like Q is asking the UK and Australia if they stand with US, or just with the corrupt establishment?  Are they ready to take action and clean up the corruption that allowed them to spy on and attempt to interfere with the US election process?

Koala is either a reference to a pedophilia related investigation that happened back in 2013 or so, or it’s a reference to a “protected person” in Australia.  Apparently that’s a common term for politicians and others that can’t be arrested because they have the right connections.





Border security has suddenly become a national security interest.  With this latest caravan full of criminals, it has made national news and gotten lots of attention.  This has given Trump a new option.  If Congress fails to fund the wall before they switch and the Democrats gain control, then Trump now can take the authority to fund it in the interest of National Security.  Q is taking a jab at Soros, who has helped to fund this Caravan and ship all these people in to create a mob and discussion point.  Because he has done this, he’s given Trump what he needs to fund the wall even after the election.  Probably made him a bit mad.  Plus, he’s used in the past and was planning to keep using more of these illegals to get votes and as part of their “army”.  Sounds like Q is saying the Wall will be finished.