4/11 – Q Drop

Oops, little behind on this one 🙂


Q repeating things he’s said before.

If Q is just a fake person on 4-chan/8-chan dropping misinformation like the news is saying, why do they keep reporting on him over and over.  Why the big names standing against it, why demonize it.  Why not let it fade out?

Because it is true

They wouldn’t waste so much time, money, and credibility on it if it wasn’t a significant threat.

As an example of misinformation being pushed into the Q world to try and divide and confuse, they used Mueller.  Acting like Mueller was a good guy all along.  I think perhaps he was “helping” in a sense, but I suspect it’s not from his good graces.  We’ve seen too much of his past with the Clinton’s and others.   So if they’re failing to attack directly through the news, now they insert fake Q drops(I’ve seen them) and other information onto the boards, twitter, voat, etc to try and put people off.  They’re hoping those who haven’t followed long enough see the lies and think it really is a big mess of lies.

As we get closer to the target, it will continue to escalate.  Probably up unto the point where it can’t be argued anymore when some big names are arrested.

3/25 – Q Drops


Alright, the top part is a bit small, but it’s a bunch of News and Political twitter accounts that all dropped tweets with the word “handpicked” around the same time.  Just another proof that someone “Operation Mockingbird” is giving talking points for everyone to push to make it sound more valid.  So 6 companies own 90% of the media and people continue to wake up to see that it’s controlled.  Good to hear that they will be held accountable, and this last couple days with the Mueller report coming out looks to be one of the opening blows of that fight.


So why is Rod Rosenstein still there even though he showed his colors by offering to wear a wire.  For optics.  If Mueller and Rosenstein are both left in place who are known associates of the Democrats, and the news has been fighting for them to stay for the last two years, it helps defeat the narrative that they are covering things up.  Rosenstein has made a deal, he was allowed to finish and sign off on Mueller.  I don’t suspect he’ll be around much longer though.  Sounds like Rosenstein also signed off on a FISA, which will probably be brought up that he was part of that process and the investigation, meaning he wouldn’t be covering up for Trump.  Who has full control?  Trump does.  He knew this all was happening from the beginning and had things in control.


Only way back is to prosecute everyone involved.  THat’s a lot of people.  Not sure what the [1] is talking about.  Maybe that prosecuting this opens the door to everything else that has been going on behind the scenes to start cleaning up all the other stuff?


No updates here



“Done some very very evil things… treasonous things against our country.”

“People that have done such harm… will be looked at… I’ve been looking at them for a long time.”

“My family, my country, my God”

“We can never let this happen to another president again”

Sounds like someone’s referring to Q.  Can’t let it happen again.  Been looking at them for a long time.  Basically he’s reaffirming to us that he knows what has been going on and it will be taken care of.

I also appreciate the use of “my God”.  Trump’s getting more religious as we go.


Justice is finally starting.  We’re seeing the beginnings of the process happening.  There’s a couple things I want to bring up in regards to this, but I think Q mentions most of them.


Ok, if you want to follow the details here, just look at this twitter thread:
Basic gist.  This guy ran across something funny.  MagaCoalition looks to be a PAC raising money for politics, but instead seems to be paying off people for things.  One known ( and convicted ) con-artist got $60,000 dollars from this organization for some sort of services.  Tax fraud, report to FBI.  MagaCoalition suddenly dropped from the internet, no website anymore.


Judge that was holding up the case for Jeffrey Epstein ( big with Clintons and sex trafficking ) dies.  Odd.  Initial guess is that someone is tying up a loose end.  Judge was 93 ( how is he even still a judge? ) so probably easy to cover up a death in that way.  I don’t know if this open the case for more legal action, or makes it harder to see why it’s been covered up.  Probably the latter.

Why now?  Because justice is on the way.



You are the news now.  I took it as we find out own news, but sounds like we ( Q followers ) are the news.  The things we find and put out become the news now.  Interesting that someone at Fox put up a very obvious “Q related” graphic.


Not sure if this person will have direct ties to any big players or not, but another small show that they are convicting people of more crimes, even internationally tracking them down.  I suspect he will have ties to some people here they care about, and Q dropping this is adding more pressure to those who’ve worked with this guy.  Maybe he’s talking now.


Article back to the guy who in court had draw Q and Maga type things on his hands to flash to the reporters during the trial.  Who does that?  No one of course.  Big setup to frame these “far right” sites and the news is going along with it even though they know better.


IG report and investigations by Huber.  Basically stuff we know that has been coming.  Go read the link if you’d like.


More info on Maga Coalition.  McLean, VA just happens to be where the CIA headquarters is.  What a coincidence.


Follow link here to read the article if you want. 

Basically, the russian collusion helped to impact the 2018 elections.  So lots of lying to get more congressman from the democratic party.  I wonder if that’s criminal and if things could be reversed.  Probably not, but lawsuits.  I bet so.


Well, just come on out and say it.  Accusing president with no basis is treason, treason can be the death penalty.  Q is telling us the blockade is gone now.  I think that’s the indictments against Trump’s children.  Now they can be investigated.  Or the Mueller investigation, both.


Erasing Obama’s legacy


Two fake Republicans.

Ann Coulter has done a lot of anti-Trump things lately.  She’s made it very clear where she stands, and it’s not with the people.  Honestly don’t know much about Ryan Saavedra and why his tweet is something fake.  Maybe just that he pretends to be Maga.  I have seen that news from a couple other spots.  Either way, we know the wall is being built.


Trump started the day with a “Have a good day” type tweet.  Q ends it out similarly.


Reference is to Anon posting a tweet from the past from Trump:



They’ve been working on the wall all year.  It’d be interesting to see a graphic of what sections do and don’t have a wall and see the rate.

2/9 – Q Drops

Big ones… here we go

Optics are important.  – They’ve been delaying to make sure things look correct.  If they rush certain sections, it’ll ruin the public perception of events and make it worse.
Stealth Bomber – Most likely in context this is Huber.  He’s been running with all those attorneys kicking out sealed indictments without leaking any info.
Re_read Mueller – Big drops before explaining what Mueller investigation does.  Blocks Trump, gives news things to attack Trump with, keeps him under suspicion, etc.
Probe coming to conclusion – We hope so.  Seems to be pointing that way.  Whittaker and got it focused on being done.  Midterms were the big hurdle for them.  It’s been confirmed in news it should be releasing data soon.
[-30] – I read this as T-minus 30.  Countdown to … the probe finishing?  We could hope 30 hours or 30 days…
So the conclusion could be as the new Attorney General.  William Barr is to replace Whitaker once he is confirmed.  I was concerned about the confirmation until I realized it’s a Senate deal.  Remember how control of the Senate was key?  House can’t block it.
Scaramucci – Q keeps referencing another temporary position Scaramucci took for a while, and then was rpelaced with the permanent person.  He used that to root out a number of leakers and deep state loyalists.  Basically he cleaned house.  Whittaker to do the same thing. He’s cleaned up people he needed to, knocked out the blockades they had in the DOJ to prepare for Barr to be able to do what he needs to, but without looking like Barr did it.  Once the blockade is removed, does that mean the declassification can finally happen?
Will Rod Rosenstein finally be fully removed?
OIG report to finally get release along with declass.  OIG report will show what Huber has been investigating.
What will the deep state do if this starts to happen?  Bunch more fake news of course saying they’re being politically attacked with fake accusations.  Blah blah.  Get ready for that to start.
[AS] – Looks like Adam Schmitt is up on the chopping block.  That guy really bothers me and just looks .. like a bad guy.  He’s leaked so many false things, no idea why people actually listen to him.
[SDNY-AG] – Little confused here.  Best guess is hte New York attorney general is staged to be taken care of soon.  SD might be southern district, but there is only one attorney general.  Must be vague for a reason.  New York seems important, a lot of the indictments ( especially Clinton ones ) probably need to come through that state.  I think they have to remove certain people that would still block something important there.
Sounds like the deep state is working hard to retain their “BLOCKADE” and prevent truth getting out.  We’ve been seeing that defense slowly be knocked out.
ZERO leaks about Huber – Again, this is amazing. It’s been reported that Huber is investigating things, Jeff Sessions gave a little info about it, Whittaker confirmed it’s going on, yet we continue to hear nothing from the investigation.  Must be very important if it’s that well controlled.
“This is not another 4 year election” – Trump quote from that repeated youtube video.  This isn’t about Republicans getting some bills passed.  This is Trump coming in and taking back control of the country for our freedom.


Anon tells Q welcome back.  They’re always excited to see posts.  Q says they never left.
“It’s time to return publicly” – Sounds like something to that.  Probably looking to get Qanon back in the news some more.  Signs, etc.


Hmm.  I didn’t realize I was a russian bot.  That article talks about Qanon, and about Reddit and Twitter purging things to get rid of these “Russian Bots”.  Problem I see is, I was one of those people on Reddit commenting about Qanon.  Twitter, I’ve seen a number of those “Russian Bots” removed and they were american citizens.  Yeah, I read this as a poorly masked method to censor Qanon.  Problem is, people believe what they write, so it continues to keep people in the dark.  However, with truth, the best bet is to ignore it.  The more they report on it, the more some people will finally look into it and realize what’s going on.  A lot of people don’t trust the news anymore.
We know the news is one of our enemies, they are controlled.



Looks like my countdown assumption was correct.  For Nasa launches, they have a very defined countdown with built-in times that they can delay.  There are target windows for launch, so even though it says.. 27 days for example, they may sit there for some amount of time waiting for certain criteria to be met.  Q has been giving us countdowns at different points, they’re making us away that at different stages the countdown may go on hold until something falls into place, then it continues.  There is a plan that they adjust and wait for pieces to fall into place.



Read between the lines, once the blockade is ended, they’re good to go.  First link discusses Whittaker confirming Huber is investigating the spying on Trump that occurred during the election.  Second link is William Barr discussing that the Uranium One scandal needed some investigation if the the “Russian meddling” was being investigated as well.  Read between the lines could mean that Whitaker and Barr are both confirming that these other investigations have been occurring and those are what Huber is working on.

Another interpretation of read between the lines?  Think crossword with the last three lines.  First letter of each line going down – RBG.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  Was she the blockade?  She hasn’t been seen for over a month now.  She’s never missed a session of the supreme court.  She also missed the state of the union which I suspect she doesn’t miss either.  Her aids are “bringing her vote” on supreme court decisions.  She was “supposedly seen” at a concert a week or so ago, but that was reported by the Washington Post and the source of that was someone who works with the Supreme Court ( probably one of her aids ).  Sure, I trust them.  Prevailing thoughts seem to be she has already died, or is being kept alive on life support.  Good chance that news is coming out soon.  So maybe her vote is one of the blockades?


Ok, so this is going to be a lot of guessing for me.  Too hard to follow.

[-30][-45]… – Countdowns Q has been working under.  Some we have probably seen in the past.  Where are we, no idea.  I think Q is working us down a sequence of events in this post
Blockade removal – Whitaker has been removing the blockades in DOJ to getting FISA abuse out.
RR removal – Rosenstein removed from direct oversight.
Ohr removal – Bruce Ohr removed
[1-4] removal – Top 4 DOJ people removed that would’ve blocked, we’ve discussed this before.
I think this is where we are right now, top ones have happend, below is going to happen.
Barr install – Coming next week I think.
Barr to review Rod Rosensteins notes about his concerns on releasing declass revealing secrets and foreign classified material.  OIG to review before declass can happen.
Barr will get the OIG review given the Potus request for declass and decide that the FBI is capable of doing it themselves, no need for DOJ to oversee it
Barr declassifies it, releases to House Committee what they asked for.  Of course that house committee is under Democrat control now.
Whitaker remains on as staff in DOJ
Barr meets with Huber and Office of Inspector General to discuss the investigation going on ( he’s kept his distance for optics till this point )
OIG report releases
House Democrats threaten subpoena against declass.  I’m not sure on this one.  What are they asking for, how does this block things.  Don’t know.  Guess we’ll just see if it happens.
Acts 1,2,3 [spill +30].  No idea.  Subpeona lets them delay things, 30 days?
Meeting w/ NK DENUC – Seems like a switch on topics here.  Meet with North Korea discussing denuclearization.  Sanctions to be lifted from North Korea, which allows aid to be sent for the people.  Not sure why this is important, except for North Korea.
UK/AUS narrative shift – They will try to change the news cycle to hide that UK and Australia were helping spy on US citizens to influence the election.  1 to 3 to 3… probably are the chain of people passing that info.
D sky is falling – Panic in the democrats/deep state.  They will try to panic people through the news that this is all a big plot to take over the government and control the people which, of course, is exactly what they were doing.
Public awakening – Once declass has happened, the news gets out, and the “sky is falling” news fails, public will realize what has happened.
Narrative damage control – News and others will accept its out, and suddenly switch to trying to pretend like they were duped as well, save whatever money/control they still have and drop the big fight.
Wall discussion ends – Once awareness of Dems occurs ( bribes they took from Cartels, illegal voting, reasons they block the wall ), Wall debate will be over.
Military ( red castle/green castle ) will finish building the wall.
Dark to Light – A lot of these hidden things will finally become public for everyone to know.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ – Same video of Trump campaining Q drops so often.  Reminding us who this fight is against.

So we have a sort of timeline now.  It sounds like a bunch of it is getting close and can come soon, but looking at past events and how things get delayed, we’re probably still looking at months, maybe years.  The big grey area for me is when you get to the House subpoena stuff.  How long can they block the release to the public.





12/11 – Q Drops



Anons knew this could be coming.  There were drops hinting at it, I think speaking about Green castle.  Interesting when we see articles about things to happen and we’re like, oh, people didn’t realize that.  I’ve known that for 3 months.


Q reminding us that this whole border situation is much more than just illegals and costing money.  There are national security concerns.  Also, human trafficking, drugs, and other crimes running across the border in areas where they’ve been allowed to get out of control.


Best guess.  He was leaked on purpose to help protect him.  Normally they’re protected by anonymity, but if people find out it can be dangerous.  Have you ever looked at the trail of bodies left behind by the Clinton’s?  Sounds like they let him get into the public eye to help keep him safe.  Can’t do anything when everyone knows who he is.  Then the FBI raids his house to protect the evidence he has.  Public knows, evidence no longer in his control, safer for him.

Screenshot_1.png Screenshot_1.png

Q pointing out that earlier drops about red castle and green castle showed they had a plan to build the wall using the Army Corps of Engineers for a long time.  Think this showdown in Congress is just for show, think they really have to have funding there?  Or is it just a setup?

Here’s the tweet that showed one of the Anon’s new this back in March.  Still just a coincidence?




I’ve seen a couple news article about the Military Tribunals.  This one is talking about how civilians could end up working on them.  Either they want it to look more fair by having civilians, or they expect so many the military can’t cover it all with active members.  I’ve seen another article talk about one that happened recently for terrorists arrest a year back or so.  Then another article that spoke about Court TV coming back to television.  Graham/Kavanaugh exchange was about the legality of having military tribunals for civilians who committed treason.

Put all this together, and you see them preparing for a lot of military tribunals to come up soon.



All this news of the previous Trump dealings with businesses in Russia being a chance for impeachment.  Except, it’s not.  You can’t be impeached for things from before you take office.  Also, you need 2/3’s senate, and Republicans have majority.  All this impeachment talk has just been fluff.  They never had a chance unless they can sway a lot of Republican senators.  And Trump has solidified the senate.  Like Q said, Senate was always the target.  They won’t go along with an unconstitutional impeachment plan.

Fake fake fake.



This is speaking about the French yellow jacket protests.  Approval for Macron had dropped to like 18%.  Big protests in Paris.  Suddenly, as things keep getting worse, there happens to be a shooter come out and shoot a couple people that is on the terror watch list.  What’s the chance this would happen while protests are going on and scare people to get off of the streets with a shooter at large.

Seen anything like that happen in US?  Not with protests, but shootings suddenly happen when there’s something the media doesn’t want to report on happening?



Lots of sealed indictments mentioned on Fox News.  Hmm.. really?  It is nice when the news has to finally come out with things we already know.



Google got a lot of backlash from working on a project to give China a search engine that they can censor more easily with.  I wonder how google came up with the algorithms to do that?  Oh right, they’ve been testing them out in US.  Anyway, the backlash was much bigger than they expected, even coming from their internal folks.  Censoring conservatives, that’s ok.  Letting China censor their people…wait!!!

So Google CEO said they were not going to do that.  Looks like this fire in China was to cover up something.  Guess we’ll know if China launches a new search engine soon.

Note for next year.  Next couple financial statements from Google are going to have something in them.  They’ve been hiding something that can be foudn in there apparently.  I think there’s a note later about this with more info.



Google CEO dumping a lot of google stock.  Hmm, I wonder what he knows.


Don’t force it on others

1954 – Don’t force Q on others


I appreciated this post, as it hits close to home.  I have a lot of coworkers and friends that I know aren’t ready.  All you have to do is have the name Trump come up, and the MSM narrative pours out.  One of them just laughed at the headline about Trump saying Google is censoring conservatives.  I don’t know how that isn’t obvious, but he’s been trained that anything Trump says is just a flat lie.  How people can keep believing that.  If it were the case we would’ve been at war, the economy would be in shambles… basically where Hillary was taking us.

There’s a verse that says “don’t give what is holy to dogs and don’t throw your pearls before swine”.  Basically, don’t take what’s precious and give it to someone that won’t appreciate it.  That’s where I’ve been.  I have kept up, continued to watch.  This post tells me that I’m doing the right thing by not isolating myself.  There will come a point where the truth will come out and the current lies will be impossible to defend or ignore.  At that point, we will have answers for those family and friends who suddenly don’t know what to trust.

MSM and more

1. MSM post – Read it, then I’ll try to break it down


I think most of this is pretty straight-forward, and it’s a recap of things Q’s been saying all along.  Heard someone say they thought Q did this as a good recap for all the new people looking into Q now.  I don’t usually do this, but let’s break it out.

Psychological Projection. – Projection is a term used when you take the things you do (faults of yours) and project them onto others.  For example, Hillary Clinton saying Trump colluded with Russia when really that was Hillary.

Q is setting us up to realize the news is conspiring against America.  They’ve been working with the Deep State or other groups to their own end.  How much are they in bed with them, how much are they controlled, I don’t know.  I suspect a little of everything.  It’s obvious they have an agenda if you look.  At the end Q points out these things as abnormal

Think sealed indictments count. – Over 5 times the normal numbers, probably more.
Think resignations of CEOs. – I’ve seen a list out there, haven’t seen any good info before, but there have been many high level executives ( hundresds? at least around 50 ) of well-known companies leaving in the last year.
Think resignations of Senators. – Find the list, it’s much larger than you’d expect
Think resignations of Congress. – Same, include current head ( Ryan ) who is still pretty young but suddenly wants to do something else.
Think termination of sr FBI… – Most of the seniors gone
Think termination of sr DOJ… – Same here, except Rosenstein

Watergate * 1000 is hard to understand.  In every case I’ve seen, Q mentions that this is much deeper and more evil than we can imagine.  How much we’ll find out in the end, who knows.  Enough for justice.

2. Censorship of social media


Found a decent recap of the bill, it was hard for me to try to read, to legal/government wording.  Basically it’s a bill that allows a sort of censorship on the internet if foreign governments are coming in trying to subvert our interests.  Looks like it was passed to give the big tech companies an excuse to censor views they don’t want.   Make sense why there is such a “but Russian bots” response to conservative and Trump views on the news.  They think this gives them the legal right to censor an open platform.  I suspect once it’s proven that they knew it wasn’t Russian bots ( and Q team has it all ), then it’ll come crashing down.  Facebook has already seen a start here with there 26% drop in stock in one day.  I think we still have yet to see the insider info which caused that drop.

3. America back on top


After all these talk of trade wars, if you listen to Trump ( or a small subset of others ) you realize that we were losing billions of dollars in trade deficits and tariffs to other countries.  It would seem like we just had bad deals, but Q is pointing out it was more.  With such a strong position to negotiate, there should be know reason unless it was done on purpose.  Why is wealth being distributed.  Take Iran nuclear deal or even the UN Climate change stuff.  In both cases, there is nothing being done to ensure the agreement was going to followed, but the US was paying out.  For example, the climate deal, India and China( two of the top CO2 producers ) could continue to build more coal plants for the next 10-15 years as they “ramp up” to using better clean energy methods, but US had to reduce Coal and pay out some crazy amount of money.  It was just redistributing our wealth to other countries.  And I’m sure those countries would funnel it to the right people.

America was being weakened on purpose.  Here’s the graphic I tried to find a while back

2018-08-06 22.35.55.png

Q dropped this a while back.  Sorry for the twitter overlay of buttons.  They posted this.  I haven’t seen any proof that this was a set plan, but everything lines up with what Obama did and what it was clear Hillary was leading up to.  This stuff goes deeper than we realize

Welcome to the Mainstream

1. Current FISA breakdown..
Q basically just reposted his old posts grouped together.  Here’s what I think it means.  One of them mentioned Rachel Brand.  When this all started Trump put Sessions as head of Dept of Justice and we’re told to trust him.  Under him were 3 people, Rod Rosentein, Rachel Brand, and another guy I forgot.  Early on Trump got rid of Rachel Brand.  They had some stuff on her so she was fired(I think?).  Deep State probably didn’t make a big stink as they still had #2(RR) and #3 in place.  Well #3 ends up being a temporary appointment that had a set time limit on how long he could serve.  Fast forward 6 months or so, and he timed out and Trump could replace him without a fuss.  That just leaves #2, Rosentein.  So Rachel Brand to set this all up before people realized it.  Trumps trying to clean house at DOJ, which is necessary before the big indictments start rolling.  That’s the middle post, first talked about all the people meeting at WhiteHouse.  Basically it looks like those 20 pages I’ve discussed implicate not only Rosentein (possibly clearing out DOJ), but also Republican leaders(McCain), CIA, FBI and maybe more.  Looks like it’s a huge drop when its let out and there isn’t question that they all conspired.  Last post is pointing out that FISA is the bottom layer.  Once that’s in place, they can start putting all these other things on top.
2. Welcome to the Mainstream

Now that Q is being talked about all over, they are in a panic to limit it’s exposure. Best way to do that is to treat it like those “Alt Right Wing” groups and make you think it’s Nazis, Facists, etc.  So Q’s saying now that it’s out and they have to focus, they’re going all out to discredit it.  That means:

1. Fake Trump Supporters – Get ready for people saying they’re MAGA/Trump supporters to start pushing crazy things.
2. Paid shills – People are paid to go out on news, websites, and make comments to discredit.  Media Matters is one of the companies that does Democrat propaganda.  Forgot who the owner is.
3. Twitter bots – Already seen a couple graphics of hundreds of “regular looking accounts” all saying the exact same thing.  So trying to flood normal people/businesses with what looks like the public masses but is instead a bot.
4. MSM/Intel infiltration – Not following that one.  Basically negative stories coming out, not sure.
Basically they’ve noticed a rise in all of these in the last 24 hours since it started really coming out.  Bad guys were ready to implement but were waiting to see if they had to.
False ‘voilent’ push seems to be a big one.  Notice Sarah Sanders immediately said non-violent when asked about Q.  Expect a terrorist type attempt ( False Flag ) to be done with someone sporting MAGA or Q narrative.  Already there are people saying that Qanon following is violent when there’s never been a violent component.  That’s one of their attempts to shut it down.  If they scream loud enough, maybe people won’t research.  It’ll fail.  It’s already past the tipping point, too many people coming in.  With each step the Deep State/secret societies push themselves farther out of credibility.  I’m still surprised people can believe the leaders of the Dem party.
Last post:
I stripped out all the links, but basically it listed another 20 sites saying that Qanon is conspiracy.  Q is saying that this is what fear and panic look like, them dropping so many stories so fasts all over.  Tha’ts how they try to control and coordinate all the MSM against americans.  When he says “Sheep no more” that just means people aren’t listening and blindly following what the media has told them like in the past.