12/11 – Q Drops



Anons knew this could be coming.  There were drops hinting at it, I think speaking about Green castle.  Interesting when we see articles about things to happen and we’re like, oh, people didn’t realize that.  I’ve known that for 3 months.


Q reminding us that this whole border situation is much more than just illegals and costing money.  There are national security concerns.  Also, human trafficking, drugs, and other crimes running across the border in areas where they’ve been allowed to get out of control.


Best guess.  He was leaked on purpose to help protect him.  Normally they’re protected by anonymity, but if people find out it can be dangerous.  Have you ever looked at the trail of bodies left behind by the Clinton’s?  Sounds like they let him get into the public eye to help keep him safe.  Can’t do anything when everyone knows who he is.  Then the FBI raids his house to protect the evidence he has.  Public knows, evidence no longer in his control, safer for him.

Screenshot_1.png Screenshot_1.png

Q pointing out that earlier drops about red castle and green castle showed they had a plan to build the wall using the Army Corps of Engineers for a long time.  Think this showdown in Congress is just for show, think they really have to have funding there?  Or is it just a setup?

Here’s the tweet that showed one of the Anon’s new this back in March.  Still just a coincidence?




I’ve seen a couple news article about the Military Tribunals.  This one is talking about how civilians could end up working on them.  Either they want it to look more fair by having civilians, or they expect so many the military can’t cover it all with active members.  I’ve seen another article talk about one that happened recently for terrorists arrest a year back or so.  Then another article that spoke about Court TV coming back to television.  Graham/Kavanaugh exchange was about the legality of having military tribunals for civilians who committed treason.

Put all this together, and you see them preparing for a lot of military tribunals to come up soon.



All this news of the previous Trump dealings with businesses in Russia being a chance for impeachment.  Except, it’s not.  You can’t be impeached for things from before you take office.  Also, you need 2/3’s senate, and Republicans have majority.  All this impeachment talk has just been fluff.  They never had a chance unless they can sway a lot of Republican senators.  And Trump has solidified the senate.  Like Q said, Senate was always the target.  They won’t go along with an unconstitutional impeachment plan.

Fake fake fake.



This is speaking about the French yellow jacket protests.  Approval for Macron had dropped to like 18%.  Big protests in Paris.  Suddenly, as things keep getting worse, there happens to be a shooter come out and shoot a couple people that is on the terror watch list.  What’s the chance this would happen while protests are going on and scare people to get off of the streets with a shooter at large.

Seen anything like that happen in US?  Not with protests, but shootings suddenly happen when there’s something the media doesn’t want to report on happening?



Lots of sealed indictments mentioned on Fox News.  Hmm.. really?  It is nice when the news has to finally come out with things we already know.



Google got a lot of backlash from working on a project to give China a search engine that they can censor more easily with.  I wonder how google came up with the algorithms to do that?  Oh right, they’ve been testing them out in US.  Anyway, the backlash was much bigger than they expected, even coming from their internal folks.  Censoring conservatives, that’s ok.  Letting China censor their people…wait!!!

So Google CEO said they were not going to do that.  Looks like this fire in China was to cover up something.  Guess we’ll know if China launches a new search engine soon.

Note for next year.  Next couple financial statements from Google are going to have something in them.  They’ve been hiding something that can be foudn in there apparently.  I think there’s a note later about this with more info.



Google CEO dumping a lot of google stock.  Hmm, I wonder what he knows.


Q 2057 – 2062

2057 – More on Ezra


Similar info. I think Q is helping us map the players here on our side so when things come out we know who to trust and recognize their sacrifice.

2058 – Ted Lieu


Two more FBI agents we know to be part of the “Firewalls” shielding deep state from crimes.  Don’t know much about Ted Lieu, after this tweet, don’t care to.

2059 – Facebook


Nothing to see here…. Just a bunch of Facebook execs running for the hills.  Remember from previous posts, Facebook was starting as part of a DARPA initiative to track everyone’s lives.  Basically, facebook was financed by the government to spy on us.  And I’m sure the executives ( who I’m sure see where the money comes from ) know this, and they can also see the times and decide that it’s better to get out before it crashes down on their heads.  I wouldn’t hold onto Facebook stock if I were you.

2060 – Family connections


Sergey Brin has some pretty shady stuff in his past.  His wife (ex-wife?) was founder of 23andme, who for a small price would love to have your DNA.  What they’re really doing it for, we don’t know.  I’m sure some people would love google’s info and your DNA together.  then her sister was… oh, CEO of youtube, which definitely doesn’t censor any conservative things at all.

Sounds like someone’s been supporting them to keep them in this spot.  Other Google founder resigned a year back if you remember.  Guess he’s hoping to sneak out of the way.

2061 – More on Google



Info about how Google started and the funds it recieved from the government.  Remember, they don’t know the full story, so if you “read between the lines”, you realize that they were pretty much funded and directed from these agencies for a long time, and probably still have direct ties and allegience to them.  I’m sure some “we will make you rich if you promise to give us access” agreements were in place.

2062 – Googles role in spying


Google was the I/T infrastructure.  Set up server in North Korea to keep it out of anyone’s hands for “secure” server.  Use of gmail drafts for “supposedly” safe communication.  Eric Schmidt resigned immediately after Trump signed an Executive Order saying they can take assets of anyone involved in human trafficking.  Wonder what he was involved in?


Censorship and MB deals

1945 – Coincidence?


Reddit link is that people are being censored for talking about Qanon as “hate speech”.  Why would that happen for a conspiracy theory?  There are plenty more and especially more violent groups not being censored.  The graphic is from an old Q post where he mentioned Xbox chats being used by Deep State for communication, after which Xbox servers “suddenly” went down for an hour or two while they were most likely scrubbed to clean up messages.  How many coincidences does it take to believe.


1946 – Tricked you


Sudden sample of news articles defending Google against Trump.  Why?  Because Trump tweeted this outScreenshot_1.png


Media jumps on everything Trump says and goes against it.  Otherwise they couldn’t keep the “Trump is unstable” dialog going.  Sadly it works too.  I just overheard a conversation at work that the person saw one of these articles and was laughing at Trump that he thinks google is skewing results.  Sigh.

But, the post is basically a “You don’t think we saw this coming”.  They’ve been setting up all the big internet companies for this.  Getting evidence, proving their bias, even positioning themselves into saying they control the content(Facebook said this in front of congress).  They’ve painted themselves into a corner with no way out other than to get rid of Trump.

1947 – International Money Laundering 101


Not going to attempt to run through each piece.  Basically, there was a group from Iran behind a lot of stuff. Obama was financed by the prince to go to Harvard. Tells us he has questionable ties we’ll learn more about.  Valerie Jarrett ( handler of his ) has plenty of ties to Muslim Brotherhood which is a terrorist organization the government has been covering for.  Transfer of money to Iran for the “Nuclear deal” was made in cash so it couldn’t be tracked.  Also, apparently a portion was moved on to pay someone else.

I’m a little confused on the Snowden piece.  There haven’t been references to him working with the Iran deals before that I noticed.  We know he leaked things out about the NSA to discredit them, but we’ve learned he also worked for the CIA before that. Sort of double-agent.  Started with CIA, sent to make NSA look bad.  More to him, but that’s a different story.  Sounds like he was part of clearing the CIA to be out from under NSA tracking.

1948 – More on Google



So I got a little humor out of this one.  After Q tweets this to point out Trumps statement, Saagar responds with another tweet.

“Oh joy! One of my tweets was just posted by “Q” so now my mentions are cancerous. To all my new Qanon followers please read this for my thoughts on the phenomenon and then leave me alone: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2018/08/03/this-is-the-moment-how-a-wave-of-media-coverage-gave-qanon-conspiracy-theorists-their-best-week-ever/

Sounds like someone doesnt’ like Q.  Coincidence?

Then he soon deleted that post.  Better to just not mention Q in public forums apparently.
