1/5 – Q Drops


I tried to read through the chain of emails, couldn’t make it.  Basically it’s proof that Schiff was leaking data about this incident and it’s been ignored by the news.

What happens when everyone knows Adam Schiff is leaking data.  Why, they plant a fake data for him to leak so there is proof that he is the leaker.  That way they can catch him leaking and hold him accountable for it.

What mission did Sessions annouce?  That he was investigating all of the criminal leaks that were occuring during Obama admin and Trump.  What’s the chance that Schiff was one of these investigations?  Pretty high.  Sessions made this public as a warning, but probably also so people aren’t surprised when the results come out.  They knew it was going on, so if there were more leaks, there’s no excuse.

Optics are important.  If they just accused people of leaking, it looks like a purge.  Instead, if everything is out in the open that it’s happening, and then they show evidence, what argument do they have?

Mueller insurance policy has expired.  Mueller was safe doing his investigation until the election. They needed to keep dragging that out to provide the bad press and leaks they wanted for taking back congress.  Now that it’s done, they don’t have a use for him since he hasn’t actually found any information.  If he’s still working as a deep state operative, he’s probably going to be thrown to the wolves.  If he’s working with Trump team, then things will probably wrap up soon as he’ll be under attack now.


Q/Trump are starting to push the Foreign Aid info out there.  We learned from Q that much of the foreign aid is about funneling money to where you want it.  Money goes out, then it’s taken and sent back to politicians, groups they support, companies, etc.  Haiti for example.  Clinton Foundation made out like a bandit on all the relief funds going to Haiti years back.  It’s tough to see the Red Cross in there as we want to think it’s such a humanitarian organization, but it’s not surprising.  That’s how these Dem’s like to work.  Find something people get emotional about, then use it to steal their money.

Two days ahead seems important.  The drop Q posted from one year ago(on the 7th) is being highlighted.  Like something is supposed to happen on the 7th about this, and Trump dropped a little hint two days early about it.  Or pushed up the timetable.



Protests still going on in Paris and other parts of Europe. Common people rising up against globalism and the elite controlling the country and tearing it down.
Why is the news not reporting on this?  They don’t want you to look into it.  If you go looking too far, you find that Europe, which is ahead of us on the move to globalism, is getting buyers remourse and trying to take control back.  Basically current Europe would’ve been us had Clinton gotten in office.  Controlled by the elites and being torn down for their new world order.

EO Active – That was dropped in just to remind us that the executive order is active and the tribunals can begin on all these traitors against our country.  They have started with some low-hanging fruit I’m sure.  I think that it may start becoming public but with people that the public can’t argue against ( normal terrorists, human traffickers, etc ) so the public gets used ot this occurring, then they start moving up the chain, with everyone being less and less surprised at the corruption as it walks up to people they know.


Back in the day, Trump was a champion for the left.  Awards for diversity, etc. On all the cool shows, friends with all these people who hate him now.   D’s turn against him now like he was never a friend for the black community.  It’s still surprising how well people accept that when there’s so much evidence to the contrary.  They also have been trying to turn us against Police, ICE, and others who protect us ( think all those supposed racial shootings, kneeling for the flag, etc ).  Europe is doing the same thing.  They need to divide the people against those who could help them.  If we fight internally, we won’t pay attention to the external threats that sneak upon us.  Just do what you’re told and “we’ll” take care of you.  Of course, those at the top care nothing for the people, only money and control.


Ok, here’s a tough one.  Same pen we’ve seen regarding signing of Executive Orders.  One of Trump’s pens.  The watch I’m not sure.  Too many things…  Time shows 3:14.  Post 314 talks about things about to drop.  3.14 is Pi – possibly pizzagate.  Or maybe something about a circle.  The watch was also noticed in this:

House of cards has been mentioned in the past about congress.  Kevin Spacey was the actor here(I think), and he’s been accused of a lot of sexual misconduct and has been thrown under the bus by Hollywood.  Lately he stuck out a very strange video of him talking in the third person.  It’s confusing, but seems maybe like he’s calling them out for doing this to him and that he knows their secrets too.  Could be that he will be a player of some part or maybe just a coincidence.   Follow the watch.  It’ll probably show up again soon.



Maggie Haberman ( we’re finding out just how central she is to a lot of their communication ) is talking about Trump mentioning he could declare a national emergency and get the wall done.

Several days?  We know that Q dropped hints of this plan months ago.  Sounds like this may have always been the plan.  They knew the Deep State wouldn’t allow a border wall, it would impact them in too much.  Money from drugs and trafficking.  Votes from illegals.  Gangs to do their dirty work.  They timed this for now on purpose.  Probably for this switchover of congress.

They’re using it to show what the Democrats really care about.  They’re willing to change what they believe to go against Trump.  They were for a wall in the past, now not?  What changed.  Not their morals cause they don’t have them. Now it’s a threat to them.

That quotes email about Haberman is from Podesta’s emails that were leaked.  They were using her in the past for leaking out information.  Q is warning Maggie(and them) that they aren’t safe anymore.


Here’s the old drop, red castle to green castle where Q let us know the Army Corp of engineers could be the ones building the wall.  Looks like they knew they would obstruct this, so it was always their plan to use the Army, and they let the whole congressional bill/shutdown happen when it did to show that they are an enemy of America.  And unfortunately, they just finally figured out that they can’t actually block Trump.  How could they not realize this would happen.  A lot of the Anons had figured it out.


Now we start more on the foreign aid.  Why is this always included in Democrat bills?  We’re about to find out.  Looks like some of that money makes it back to the politicians.  They aren’t paid that much, yet they seem to get pretty wealthy.  Q is tellings us some of the agencies ( mainly CIA I would guess ) stay funded from these bills.  Dem’s care about keeping power so they can keep control of the money.  Money lets them continue to pay for their spies, by people off, control other countries, and so on.  Welcome to how the world really works.


There’s that foreign assistance site again:


Interesting site that lists what type of assistance is requested and where it has gone.  Why has the UN been pushing foreign assistence?  To line their pockets.  It’s too easy of a way to launder money.  It went to “charity”.  You can’t check all these organizations moving money between countries.

The youtube video is the same “This will get Donald Trump elected” video.  He’s recapped all this stuff in that video at a high level.


Anon tells Q he couldn’t get to the page.  That’s because it was hit 2.2 million times within a minute.  I wasn’t one of them, several others I know don’t have notifications when a Q drop occurs.  I gotta think that maybe 1 in 10 followers could’ve accessed that fast.  That means over 20 million people (probably more) are following Q drops.  Keeps spreading.