Lin Wood’s on a roll

I’ve been telling people that it’s good that Q has been quiet. When he goes quiet, everything is moving along as planned. I’ve also been expect two things in the days leading up to the 6th.

  1. Big drop of something bad
  2. Q to post either right before the 6th or during all the trials

Walk back the lasts two election cycles. Hillary’s emails come out right before election, help sway just enough to overrun the steal they had planned. This election, Biden’s son Hunter has a bunch drop on him right before. They needed to swing it SO much that the steal was obvious this time. Make them overreach to where they couldn’t possibly cover it all.

Well, I think #1 in in process and it’s Lin Wood. He’s one of the lawyers who had bring bringing up info about the election shenanigans. Friends with both Sydney and Mike Flynn. He’s been making some posts of things a lot like what Q has been saying and people started to think he was a bit nuts. Last night he decided to just drop it out there. I’m just going to screenshot a bunch of his tweets. Doubt I need to add much info.

I’m doing actual screenshots in case twitter shuts his account like I suspect they will. Sort of surprised it’s still up.

There have been a lot of questions on Pence. I wanted to believe he was good, but it’s sure starting to sound like he may be a plant. Expect we’ll find out on wednesday.

Remember those letters that a bunch of people ( Bush’s, Obama, etc ) got during the funeral. Pence had one two. Everyone that opened it made an interesting face about what was in there. It’s been the center of a lot of speculation.

Link from that tweet:

Past couple weeks

Not sure if I’ll play catchup on the Q drops, as I was already a month behind even after he stopped posting for like a month around holidays.  We’ll see.  Q has dropped a number of new posts and things are heating up in the Senate.  I wanted to drop this one post I saw on twitter that was a good reminder for those seeing the normal news stories and wondering if things are good or bad.

Quick context, “Joe M” is one of the big twitter names in the “Q” area.  He had some personal things going on and disabled his account for a few weeks.  When he comes back he drops this post.

Now context for each section for those who haven’t kept up.

  • Jimmy Carter’s state funeral – As the impeachment moves to the Senate and Trump’s lawyers finally get to talk, things start heating up.  Q makes a drop giving the definition of a “state funeral”.  I didn’t see the chatter hear, but sounds like Q may have stopped them from … retiring Jimmy Carter to completely change the news cycle like with George Bush passed away.  That was also a very convenient time for them in the news.  I bet there was some medical scares with Carter coming out and it was setting that up.  When Q dropped it, it would’ve made it too obvious so they switched to other things.
  • Bolton testimony – One of the rumors going is that Bolton actually has nothing big against Trump.  Everything we’ve heard are rumors from a book people haven’t seen.  It’s possible this was all a big setup just to make the democrats fight to get his testimony and end up having it hurt them.
  • Rudy podcast – Rudy Guiliiani  ( sorry for the spelling ) apparently started a podcast.  I haven’t listened, but I know he’s continued to be more vocal.  He’s the one that started giving more information on Hunter Biden and Ukraine.
  • Biden’s confession – As part of the Senate trial, they actually played the clip where Joe Biden confirmed he was withholding money from Ukraine until they fired the lawyer involved in investigating his son and his son’s company.
  • Helicopter crash – Kobe Bryant dies in a helicopter crash just as Trump’s team is popping up in the news with part of his defense.  What a coincidence.  He crashed into the ground above the speed of “safe” flight.  This was also during a fox when the pilot would be flying much slower.  Either the pilot decided to crash it, or some major problem that completely stopped the engine occurred.  We know from Q that most plane crashes are not accidents.
  • Contagion – Funny that a new virus just popped up.  I saw a report of a scientist that was arrested in Canada for something like espionage.  Guess where he worked?  Oh, that’s right, in a CDC type organization and one of the virus’s he’s worked with, a type of Corona virus.  He (or his wife) was giving something to China.  Where’d the outbreak happen, yep, near a lab in China.

Lot’s of coincidences going on these days.




12/2 – Q Drops


Site defining treason


And definition. If you’re reading this, you probably don’t have doubts this is happening, but a good reminder to all those on the wrong side of history.


Trip code is how Q is identified on the boards.  His id/password(or something like that) generate his trip.  This is how we can know it’s him.  Also from the information and pictures he drops.


Trump tweet.  Q is saying to look for the delta between tweet on trip config and Trump tweet.


1 minute delta.  This has happened too many times for it not to be clear that Trump is tweeting within a minute of a Q drop to confirm it’s him.  This is to confirm not only Trump is involved(yet again for us), but also to confirm this Q trip code is legit.  Notice Trump will tweet after a Q drop.


Watch and pen from earlier pictures.  Another identifier to give new pictures of previous items/locations so you can see it’s the same person.


Guess that’s Q saying it’s getting time for justice to be had.


Chat is showing how one family controls google, youtube, and 23andme ( DNA company ).  Then a video from 60 minutes and bing search results showing the shear number of negative stories against Q.  No reason for this to keep going on and on unless they are really scared for some reason.  Have to keep people too confused to research for themselves.  If too many people “awake”, then they lose their control.  If they lose control, then people start going to jail or worse.


Picture from old posts.  Notice name of image is LisaMI6.  Old pictures were thought to be of Lisa Page in London.  This looks like another view of that.  Was she meeting with MI6?  The timeframe was back during the “backup plan” texts of her and Peter Strokz when Trump looked like he might be able to win.


The release date of FISA was given to force the enemy to use up something else to try and distract or stop it.  Once is was George Bush’s death, another time it was a shooting, or similar deal.  They can forcing them to use whatever they have to stop things.  Once they run out, they can’t divert or distract as well.


11/25 – Q Drops


Well, this is interesting.  It was a long twitter thread showing the hypocrisy of the media.  Same author, same news site, with articles that basically said the opposite things because they were trying to make Trump look bad.  The strangest part, this account has been suspended by twitter.  Here’s a video someone made showing the different posts.



Looks like Q created the new board for the Anon’s to get on and converse as well.


Q follower in Iran.  They just popped up in the news again lately.


Q pic in Asia.  Is that Korean?  I don’t know my languages well enough.


Bigger version of that post if you want to skim

Basically a compilation of news sites that are posting articles against Qanon as a conspiracy.  Bottom is excerpt from a CIA document talking about how to handle leaks.  How they handle the media.


Looks like it’s military abbreviations



So we’re seeing a number of Democrats with security “issues”.  Q is telling us they are not a coincidence.  Links relate to the lines above.

  1. Diane Fienstein had a chinese spy working (as her driver? forgot) for her for 20 years.  This was discovered and she was fired a year or so back.
  2. Multiple Democratic politicians used the Awans as IT resources.  The main one I’m thinking of is Wasserman Schultz.  They were selling information to their country in middle east and even bragging about all the access they had.
  3. Omar has been accused of being an agent of Qatar and selling secrets to them.
  4. Clinton server was “hacked” and copied all emails from Hillary over to China.

So are these a coincidence, or more likely a known money making scheme for democrat politicians.

[VJ] is probably Valerie Jarret, one of the handlers for Obama, who works for Iran most likely.

John Kerry is very obviously running behind the scenes with other countries trying to thwart Trump’s policies.

So if this is all known, why is it allowed to happen.  All of these are treason which should lead to arrest.  In the past it was because they were protected, since all of the high ranking people were in on this stuff.  Now?  Since Trump and team have taken control of enough.  I can think of two reasons:

  1. Gather evidence in a legal fashion.  Much of Q’s information is from intelligence agencies which can’t be used on citizens unless the right protocols are followed.  “FISA goes both ways”
  2. Holding off to prepare the public.  People arrested too fast, they’ll scream coup and start a civil war or riots.


I didn’t dig much here.  Official Secrets is a movie about leaking government info to the press.  Sounds like what the D’s do all the time to get at Trump.


Yippee.  I’m a russian bot again.  So all the big media companies keep pushing russian bots because they’re covering for someone.

Media is controller by the 6 companies who own something like 90% of it.

6 companies are owned by?  I’m not sure exactly who but those trying to control the world.  Those against Trump obviously.

11/24 – Q Drops


Senate opened investigation into Burisma (company Hunter Biden is on the board of in Ukraine ) and the Obama admin.  HUNTER is referencing Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son.  Again, Senate target.  They can do investigations like this.


General Flynn was one of the ones that warned Trump about the spying early on.  He knows what all happened with the Obama admin, and has been gagged somehow.  He’s not able to talk, but is a patriot.  Been under criminal investigations and such.  He’s the one that the altered FBI documents that have been mentioned were about, so they could charge him with lying to the FBI and force him into silence.


trip(c) is probably referring to trip code.  Since Q is back on 8-kun and not 8-chan, there’s the possibility it’s someone else faking the account.  In the past the manner to handle this was by showing pictures from a slightly different time that Q showed before.  Something that you can’t fake with two pictures taken so close together, or with access to a specific object like the pen, desk, watch, etc.  Things that we can see and validate it’s him.  Anon interaction coming soon.  I guess that means Q actually responding to the Anon’s on 8-kun.  Right now I think it’s all in his board where no one else can respond.


11/23 – Q Drops


Just another call-out by Q of a group of patriots.


Trump talks about putting money into people’s hands.  What we’ve learned is that a large amount ( all? ) of foreign aid goes to a country, and then a portion of it returns back to someone’s pocket.  Clinton Foundation is a great example.  Apparantly the Paris Accord is just another example. US is paying for it all, think the money actually goes into helping the environment or mostly into peoples’ pockets?

GS – George Soros.  He doesn’t spend his own money to push Antifa and other radical agendas, he’s funded mostly by the government through different organizations.

Second video is the old Trump video from before the election where he talks about bringing power back to the people and not the elite’s running the system.

First video:

Second video:



Giuliani has let some of it out, Hunter Biden is one of the folks who’s come up.

11/2 – Q Drops


First two posts are typical drops when Q is doing tests.  I suspect they have a sort of complicated setup to drop posts on the board.  Able to do it from cell phones, certain apps, who know, but I’m sure they are doing things to keep it secure, less hackable, and anonymous.  Again, no one really knows who all the Q people are.  SEC is security?  DOD is department of defense.  Not really important to us ( as far as I know ).


Video of flag in the window.  No sound or anything.  Another test?  It’s the type of thing Q would drop randomly as a patriotic gesture.


Here’s the only one today with some meat.  First:

Old drop from Q talking about corn is ready for harvest ( off of a James Comey tweet ) had the [  93   dk ] line in it.  One of those cryptic things you never know what it means.  This person was guessing that meant Q was going dark ( dk ) for 93 days, which is how long they’ve been offline.  Could they guess the exact day that 8-chan would be done?  Seems like it’d be too easy to hold it off for a day or two with attacks, but maybe not.  Seems like they’d have to be a little more directly involved in getting that back up if that’s the case.  I wonder if the “ripe for harvest” bit is applicable now?

Next tweet:

Interesting.  John Durham, one of the prosecutors looking the Trump/Russia origins, was actually appointed by Jeff Sessions, not Barr ( the current Attorney General ), and it happened to be on the same day Q began posting.  Trump them nominates him a couple days later.  Guess he is pretty central to this whole deal if that’s the case.  I think Wyatt here believes this is an indicator that something is happening now.

The last line from Q drop “rig for red” is a Navy term, typically on subs as they come up to periscope depth at night.  Helps sailors keep their night vision.  So, night-time operations ( stealth ), coming to periscope ( within striking distance, need to see the target ).  I would think some behind the scenes actions against key players are about to happen soon.  Not sure that we’ll see it yet, but hopefully with Q back we’ll get hints.

7-8 Q Drops – Part 3


Doesn’t look to be a direct response to anything, just reassurance.


This isn’t just for our country, though that’s where it’s mostly begun.  This is to take down these predators who have tried to control the world. Who are trafficking and killing people all over.  We still only know parts, but it seems these people are the ones who help to drive wars to profit themselves and reach their own goals.  If not for Trump and Q, World War 3 may have been started by now against Russia to reduce the global population.  That was part of their plan while Hillary was in office.


Q gave us drops about Gloria Vanderbilt before.  Part of the Vanderbilt dynasty ( old money in US ).  Her son is Anderson Cooper from CNN.  That picture actually had his twin brother in it whom I think committed suicide.  Sounds like she passed away and became news.  A lot of it was surprisingly good news for someone with that much money ( the 1%’ers ).  Bet there’s a reason for that.


Different picture with the brothers.  Notice all the really strange jewelry and decorations.  Lots of occult symbols throughout that.


Think that makes things pretty clear.  Biden’s family has made a lot of money with companies in China.  They wanted to convict Trump just because he looked at building a building in Russia.  How much more a 1.5 billion dollar contract with Iraq and China.  Hmm. Politicians get rich by helping set up deals with other countries and providing for them.


Basically, it’s Trump’s turn to start on the offense.  Telling the people Q’s been talking about to have “sweet dreams”.  He’s asked people several times if they’re having trouble sleeping lately.  They should be afraid.


Q is calling out a number of politicians who have gained a lot of net worth without enough pay to explain it.  Looks like they’ve been using “Foreign Aid” as one of their scams.  They give so much to another country, and part of it comes back in kick backs.  For example this guy in Guinea who spent a lot of the money to get nice cars.

Is Q pushing for audits for these politicians each year or two.  It looks like that’s one of the routes Trump could take.  Go ahead and audit me as long as we audit these others as well.  Maybe that’s a plan going forward, maybe that’s to make them back off.


Tom Steyer is a billionaire who has spent a lot of money against Trump.  I’ve seen a commercial he’s paid for, advertisements, even talked about running for the presidency now.  Q is saying that it won’t protect him from being charged for his crimes.  I’m not sure what sort of stuff he has been involved with, but anyone that vocal against Trump has something to hide.




7-8 Q Drops – Part 2



Can’t say I’m shocked.  So Epstein was involved with the original founding of the Clinton Foundation.  Does that means it was made for human trafficking to begin with?  Funneling money, definitely.  Epstein can take so much down with him as his trial goes on.


Bill Clinton comes out pretty quickly saying that he never flew on Epstein’s plane.  Seems silly since the flight logs are out there.  Also this picture that Q dropped.  News is trying to help cover this over, but it’s failing now.  They can’t spin enough for people not to know at least some of the truth.  Clinton’s are starting to fall.


The Tarmac meeting we believe is for Lynch to cover up things on Hillary Clinton’s emails in return for a Supreme Court seat(that was the Tarmac meeting).  Well, that all fell through with the presidency.  Now that Lynch can’t provide cover, what happens?  Justice.


Another Q sign out for people to see.


Founder of the company that owns Victoria Secrets.  Looks like he had old and close ties with Epstein.  Actually sold Epstein a mansion ( possibly for $0 ).  The story was that Epstein provided him with some… young women.  That’s all just a story I heard, but I think Q is providing the direction for the Anon’s to track down these connections.


More big influential people involved with Epstein.  Head of Nick Junior and Disney at different points.  That just is scary for someone working together with an accused Pedophile.  KinderCare I think we had already heard bad things about.  So many of these are fronts for what happens behind the scenes.  MadHatter has been referenced in some of Clinton’s emails if I remember right.  Perhaps Epstein is the MadHatter or that will be revealed as the investigation moves along.


One of the movie billboards Q has used before.  Guardians of the Pedophiles ( Guardians of the Galaxy producer is pretty clearly involved with this stuff, but not enough to be arrested yet, and being protected ).  Panic in DC, you can see that from how politicians are reacting to everything.  FisaGate, still waiting to see what all comes out from declass of the Fisa materials.


Truths for the media.  Just read through and you’ll get the idea.  As more of these things become public knowledge, the less people trust the news when it’s so abundantly clear they push an agenda and not the truth.


Response to Q’s last post.  A lot of people doubted Sessions.  He didn’t do what was hoped, so people thought maybe he was another deep state or something like that.  Q says it’ll become clear that he started this investigation, then people who connect the doubts.  Justice takes time.  Good to know it’s speeding up.

Pelosi attemped to block, which is why Q was silent.  Possible this meant Pelosi tried to block the investigation ,but sounds more like Pelosi did something to try and stop Q from continuing to post or moving forward with their plan.  No idea what that means, but they got past it.


Not exactly a scapegoat, but he apparently had to come through for a while and act a part.  He did his part, performed well, it will be known.


Good.  General Flynn, one of the initial starters of this, many expect he’s tied directly to Q team, who also warned Trump about spying has been under “prosecution” for Trump’s whole presidency.  The first to be silenced by Mueller ( I think ).  Sounds like somethings finally going to happen there.  He has a lot of dirt, which is why they silenced him by accusing him of most likely bogus charges and probably threatening his family like they did to Trump.


SC/JS is Sara Carter and John Solomon.  Two of the most respected journalists out there by the MAGA crew.  Who wants to bet they had FISA warrants against them to allow the CIA/FBI to spy on them.  Sounds like that was finally all cleared up so they can relax.  No more worrying about the bad guys listening to their calls/emails, etc.  This might free them to tell more of the truth too.


Of course Hannity knows what’s going on.  What has to be so hard for him is to not bring up the things he really needs to.  He is one of the ones to lead some of the sheep back.  He has a massive audience that listens to him that wouldn’t believe in Q just yet.  He makes hints to make sure we know he’s either working with them, or on board.  However you want to say that.


So not FISA, but sucked in when they were looking for leaks in the White House.  Probably targeted a lot of journalists and just happened to pick these two as well.

[Warning, graphic description in the drop below, if you are sensitive to that, skip the Q drop and just read my summary]



This was a tough one. Q dropped a list of placeholders a while back, looks like we’re hitting that first one.  What’s got me is that he’s posting a drop from an Anon grouping this all together, mainly around the HRC videos.  We’d heard of them, but I hadn’t seen this drop from Nasif describing the videos.  I don’t like even posting this, as some people will get an image in their head and not be able to get it out.  I tried to dig a little on the Placeholder but everyone focused on the videos.  If these videos are correct, then yes, anyone associated to those videos will be immediately dropped by everyone.  There is no way to explain this.  Best chance is the “deep fake” stuff they are pushing of trying to make a video.  I suspect it’s pretty easy to tell from a forensic expert to see it’s put together.  No one is trusted these days, but still, you can’t get past it.  Most likely the video won’t ever come out to public as it’s illegal to even have that type of stuff.

7/8 – Q Drops Part 1


Most things have been held in control by blackmail.  Why do you think so many people would come up to say so many things that are obviously not true.  Because they are controlled, usually with blackmail.  Plenty have come out showing that this is how Hollywood works, we’re learning that most of politics is a show to keep the people thinking they have control.  When the blackmail goes, things like Lindsey Graham who made a 180 turn after McCain was removed from the equation.  Think he wasn’t being controlled.  Look at his actions before and now.  Now we’re seeing people go from being controlled to become liability.  What happens to liabilities?  They are removed.  I suspect this is for those liabilities out there.  People who have the knowledge of what’s gone on, but not the power to stay relevant.  Have you noticed more deaths.  For example, more NYPD cops have been dying recently, mostly around those who had access to the Another Weiner laptop.

H C D I —
Horowitz report
Comey report

That’s the current guess.  Horowitz leads to the others.


This lays out the letters.  The storm has arrived that Trump spoke about.  I know this post is a bit behind, but that gives us a little knowledge.  Arrests have started, trials are going.  Only a couple big names, but each one opens up more.

So Mueller hearing is meant to delay the Horrowitz report.  Or Huber stuff?  Either way.  Comey is set to testify on the 24th.  Trump just tweeted that this would be a bad idea for him, which I’m sure has solidified it must happen if Trump is against it.

That report comes first before the information about Comey can be release and what he had done.  Then the declass starts which shows everyone how the previous White House worked with News, CIA, FBI, DOJ, etc to surveil Trump and cover up things.

After the declass, the indictments will start flowing.

Now that enough of the controller Senior level government people ( DOJ, FBI especially probably ) have been removed, there is no protection.  Those who were after us can now be hunted and captured.


Q is back and ready to be in the news again.


Epstein is back in the news.  Remember the guy with the island and all the shady stuff.  That building at the top is on his island, leads to a bunch of floors down under the island we’ve seen pictures of with VERY shady stuff going on.  Q is bring Chandler back into the picture again.  She’s attached to a bunch of big names and it’s been pointed out that Chandler sounds like child handler.  She still hasn’t popped up in the news, but don’t be surprised when it comes out.



So this was Clinton on Epstein’s island.  Q is referencing an old drop about this.  Telling us this is about to become relevant.  Who is the lawyer?  I never figured out.  There are lots of lawyers associated to politicians.  The ‘H’ makes me think it’ll come out with the Horrowitz report maybe?


So part of the Epstein arrest was from the assitance of special investigative journalists.  Q is telling us that all the research he was leading the Autist’s to helped to get Epstein arrested.


Just a fun post I think.  Someone dropped a pic from florida, Q liked it.


Don’t forget.  That one little teaser we got about the Horrowitz report ( he’s the inspector general ) is the “Crimes against Children” related to the Clinton Foundation.  That’s one thing you can’t overlook if it comes out.


What was released before may have sounded like it wasn’t much, but Q is saying it was.  D5 typically means a D5 level of avalanche, basically you can’t stop it.