12/21 and 12/22 – Q Drops


Same news site, same author, same country in the news, completely opposite headline.  Oh, we need troops out until Trump says he will, now we need the troops there.

Yes, why does anyone even listen to them anymore.  It actually takes more effort to make sense of the article and what new reason they’ve found for actions than it does to ignore it.  How hard it must be to trust these people.



Wow, I hadn’t read that article before.  Huge number of offices in the military relieved under Obama.  Looks like Obama was asserting his control and dominance over them.  Getting rid of those who would dare not listen, and probably many who might block his plans.  No wonder Isis was able to grow.  I bet anyone who showed initiative was rooted out.  Basically ISIS expanding under Obama and Hillary.  They worked together to weaken our country in preparation for her 8 years of presidency to destroy America.



Previous presidents said we needed a wall.  Suddenly, Democrats say having a wall is a problem.  What changed?  That the wall is actually being built and it’s hurting their side-gig, which is drugs, human trafficking, and other crimes which requires the ability to smuggle things across the border.  They are paid a lot to look the other way.


Another video about the “Wall” agruments.

12/20 – Q Drops



Future proves past/News unlocks – Look at current news to unlock the code from before and prove Q is correct.  In this instance, we find that McCain had access to Steele dossier.  Well, Q told us that a long time ago.

Why is Paul Ryan and so many others retiring?  He’s “doing well” and at his age there’s no need to retire.  He’s retiring because he’s being force out.  He also knew about the Steel dossier along with McCain and didn’t bring it up.  He’s been complicit in treasonous activities.  The republicans can be cleaned up because Trump/Q have control of the Republican side.  The Democrats are holding on hoping to stop or delay the declassification that could start the arrests.  Even though it would be better for them to step down, they’re going to continue in there actions and rack up more jail time for themselves.  Most likely they’re already looking at life sentences anyway.

FBI and DOJ top ranks have been gutted.  That’s to get rid of all the controlled agents Obama put in.



Have to admit.  I missed it.  Mainly, it’s the flags.  Several military flags that former presidents didn’t put in.  Why?  Because Trump is a big backer of the military.  They’re the reason this is happening and that our country stands a chance.


Restore confidence at the offices?
Meet the heads of each to see if he can trust them?
Give information that can only be done in person?

Probably he’s making the rounds, letting them know something big is coming and that law and order are coming back.  Then to the top ones, he’s doing secure briefings of how to prepare.  This has been going on for a while, so if he was to transmit orders rather they could be read.  Secrecy is probably a big part of this.


Q laying out the details.  On Dec 22, 2017, Q let us know that McCain was the leaker.  Now Fox News is verifying it after a year of time.  News reveals things that Q has been telling us all along.

Keystone?  I don’t understand.  Perhaps it’s all the Q drops?  Perhaps its just researching on your own.


Several mainstream news sites telling us that Whitaker will not recuse himself from the Mueller probe.  Um, yeah, we knew that.



So we find out that democratic operatives were creating “Russian bots” trying to link Roy Moore to Russia.  Wait, what?  So they were creating them to link him to Russia.  Basically make a fake twitter account, make it look russian, then have it post a bunch of stuff on Moore.  They can come afterward and claim he has ties to Russia.  Hmm, I wonder if they tried to do that to Trump as well?  If they’re willing to do that, I’m sure the sexual allegations were made up as well.  Anything to win.  Q is telling us once it’s all exposed, the party itself will not be able to stand the backlash.  They have done so many things to control the public, there will be no trust left.  Things that have been hidden will come to light.


I think Alice is Hillary and Mad Hatter is Marty Torrey.  They were linked to a bunch of bad stuff going on in middle east with human trafficking.  Marty Torrey has all the connections to do the shipping between countries.  No context on the drop though.  Has a meaning to someone


Listing of several good guys that have left the current administration without an obvious reason.  Pattern?  Simplest answer, they would all be useful in tribunals.  You probably need some generals or admirals to run them.  Rogers has key information on that from his previous NSA experience.  Perhaps?  Seem to be setting up something that needs law and military backgrounds.  Why else would they leave except to move on to something else that’s more necessary?


I think Q is asking if we’ll see a chemical attack in Syria like the last time we planned to pull out but were stopped.  Q is saying that it won’t happen again.  The news has gone a bit nuts about us leaving Syria.  Since when did the Democrats become such big war enthusiasts.  Haven’t they always complained against presidents for bringing troops home.  Now Trump says he is bringing them home and suddenly a big push back.  Of course we know it’s only because it’s Trump.  I wonder why they want the troops in Syria.  What does that give them?


Q 2063 – 2068


2063 – Magic sword


Looks like a military operation happened, and this song was played ahead of time.  We’ll find out the op in a couple posts.


2064 – Seal team



Notice the ST6.jpg name.  Sounds like Seal Team 6, one we’ve heard about before.  Not sure if this is a picture of them going, or just a “related” pic.

2065 – Seeing eye


Triangle with the seeing eye.  That’s a symbol of the Illuminati(I think) or one of those organizations.  I noticed that when I saw the image in that youtube video.  Q pointing out that was a good observation, they must’ve been attacking something related to the Cabal.

2066 – Trust Sessions


Sounds like things are going according to plan.  Trump and others have been talking hard against Sessions for not shutting down the Meuller probe, so the Democrats and news sites have been slowly moving to back Sessions more and more.  Anyone against Trump must be good.  Except that’s the plan.  If they start to believe he’s doing good things, he’ll have the latitude he needs to make a decision when it matters.

Not sure on the schedule change.  Guess they bumped forward some of this.

2068 – Syria attack


And the links:


So that explosion that the Syrian’s blamed on an electrical failure igniting munitions, was probably our military team attacking, eliminating a stock-pile or something the Cabal was planning to use.  Had it just been normal ammunition for the Syrian army, they would publicize what happened.  The fact they swept it under the rug acting like it was an accident means they had something secret going on they can’t admit and have to look dumb instead.

Sounds like Trump warned the Russians and Iranians not to get in the way.