Q – 10/8 Drops


I feel like if I read the news, North Korea seems to be going backward, until something like this happens.  They’re letting us into the testing site.  North Korea continues to open up more and more.  I haven’t seen anything that makes me think there is more to it, but that’s always possible.  Perhaps the hidden google servers are related.  Probably just them showing that they aren’t testing anymore, can’t really hide nuke testing.



Q reposting himself.  Quick recap, Dem’s have made a “red line” to be crossed by Trump firing Rosenstein.  They’ve actually started doing things to make that more likely as they see the truth is going to come out and they can’t stop it.  If Trump were to fire either Rosenstein or Mueller, they have plans to blow things up big, probably screaming coverup.  Q told us months ago, Trump won’t do it.  They have a plan, probably when the FISA redactions come out, they find that Rosenstein was redacting things for political reasons which is against the law and he is indicted for it.  No choice but to leave the job.



Democrats now saying they will impeach Kavanaugh after election.  They’re even using that as a talking point to try and drive people to vote for them.  We knew that would be their plan because Q told us.  [HERD SHEEP] means they’re putting out this information to give a goal for all the people to follow even though it’s not the actual plan.

I say this for the reason I find this even more humorous.  To impeach Kavanaugh, they need 2/3rds the senate.  Currently they have 49 seats ( if you include the independants ).  Quick graphic for upcoming elections


So Republicans have 9 seats coming up for vote in 2018.  If the D’s were to get all 9 seats, that would give them a total of ….. 58 votes.   Still 9 short of a 2/3rds marjority.   So that means they are saying they will impeach Kavanaugh if people vote, but they literally cannot get that many votes.  Guess the news shouldn’t mention that part.



According to the John Solomon, the FBI Redactions on the FISA doc are covering up political embrassment and not state secrets.  This explains why Democrats don’t want it exposed, it shows they were colluding, not Republicans.  Also exposes they made it up.  It would not prove the evidence, in fact it shows that evidence wasn’t real that was used to get warrant on Trump.  Projection is blaming the other person for your own faults.  Dem’s colluded with Russians to get Hillary elected, so they blame that on Trump.  It’s been a sequence of events continuing to lead up to fisa redaction.  Follow the buildup.  First we’ve been slowly showing that FBI was politicized (fbi texts, other things).  Then it’s leaked that Rosenstein wanted to wear a wire.  Next Baker testifies saying there was heavy politics and Rosenstein was involved through.  Now Rosenstein who was the main blocker/redactor is up in Congress.  I feel like it’s a big setup for him.  They can ask a couple questions, if he lies, that’s a felony and poof, out of office.  If he tells the truth, then Trump has reason to declass which will show he was breaking the line, again, gone.  I feel like he’s now cornered.  I believe he’s up to testify on Thursday, if he shows.


Another Q referencing himself with this tweet from Tom Fitton showing that Soros has been funding (along with our tax dollars ) opposition.  Of course, we know Soros has been behind a lot of things to subvert America.   Just re-read that post above to see how many areas they siphon money off to keep the machine moving.


Q referencing previous post from the 7th where he posted a video about Nunes.  What he’s telling us is that within 24 hours over 113,000 people watched that video, and the numbers were suppressed.  The word is getting out.  So if Q drops a video or message for us, at least 100,000 people get it within 24 hours.  I would suspect a lot more than that even.  We have been told the people that sort of follow Q is up in the millions worldwide.


Meme from someone about Christine Ford, the Kavanaugh accuser.  The thought was that she’d be dropped by the dem’s and media as soon as the vote went through.  Well a story came out even before that she wasn’t going to pursue charges against Kavanaugh before the vote even occurred.  How much more obvious do you need to be?


This article is about Dianne Feinstein(Democrat Senator starting this mess) and how she went from being a champion for women to using them now for political means.


Go to the Q Drops if you want to read these links.  Basically Google, Facebook, and Twitter have all been “hacked” in one means or another in the last couple months.  Coincidence?  Or just them opening up their systems and covering.  Q is telling us that “win-at-all-costs” means giving out user data, then putting out a story they were hacked, which will hit their stock prices, just to cover up them helping to put Democrats back in control.  It’s so important they’re willing to chance lawsuits and financial loss to do it.


Link to a bigger version of that image

Basically it’s covering news stories and posts to show that according to an old executive order from Obama, you can’t make redactions to documents going to the public for political reasons, which is exactly what Rosenstein has done with the FISA documents.  He is covering up for himself and others.  Sounds like what he’s done is illegal.  What does that mean when its finally forced out?


I can’t find any court order mentioned in that article.  Looks like Google left this open for “certain” groups to have access to their treasure trove of info, and hid it for a while.  I don’t know if I believe they hid it from fear of what the public would think, or because they wanted those groups to keep access.  It sounds like the Court is ordering them to preserve all info, because they’re trying to do a cleanup and clear out not only the data they’ve been sharing but the internal communication they’ve used between Deep State operatives.


So, Sally Yates was fired last year by Trump over the “travel ban” mess.  I suspect there was more.  She was the acting Attorney General at the time.  She was one of the 4 that signed off on the FISA, which tells you just about everything you need to know.  Worked with Obama, helped to spy on Trump.  Looks like she’s being targeted now, so we’ll probably see her popping up in the news.  I bet with Baker talking more, they are moving over to the Deptartment of Justice side to get the truth out in the open.  Here’s an image to give you an idea of the people involved in the Dossier.



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