12/3 – Q Drops


68-95-99.7 rule is a statistical rule that’s pretty standard.  I bet if we got a good math/statistician looking at this, and drawing up the probability that different things would happen, they would find it at the 99.7% point which is typically taken as absolute certainty.  So what’s the chance that Bush would die around this timeframe, pretty low.  Then what’s the chance the funeral is set on the exact day Q has been pointing too?  Pretty low.  Drop them together and the probability of this just happening is microscopic.  So the fact that it did tells us is was planned.  There’s just too many of these things happening.  Bad news coming out for Deep State, oh… there’s a forest fire.  Etc.

So this tells me one huge thing that people seem to not want to mention.  Bush’s death may have actually been intentional.  That’s the only thing I can take here.  I’ll explain why in a couple posts.  But basically Bush died, they planned the funeral where much of the heads of government have to go on the 5th, which caused everything going on in Congress to be postponed.



That article mentions 4 investigations/raid that occurred, and the common thread of them points back to things happening in the Obama tenure.  The most well known is the raid on Dennis Cain, who is a whistle-blower into the Clinton Foundation that was to be on the Hannity show at one point.  Q is making a point.  What’s the policy for ongoing investigations.  The DOJ will not release any information in investigations.  When the deep state was in control, the very often leaked information that benefited them.  The Trump Russian collustion investigation is a good example.  How many leaks have come out of that even though it’s ongoing.  Current DOJ doesn’t do that.  That means the investigations have gotten to a point that they can become public.  Probably ready to open the indictment and start the trial process.  Sounds like that are designed to come out with info now so the public can get prepared and see a little of what’s going on.  It gives them leverage.  Panic leads to rats.  I think they’re trying to panic people into confessing at this point.  Confessions just make everything simpler.  I’m sure they have some already.



So the public is about to learn what we know.   The point of declassification is to show the truth, that they were working against Trump.  What’s probably even bigger is to show that the news knew some of this and has been covering that up.  Informing people enough to stop trusting the normal media is going to be a hard task.



This is the drop I referenced earlier.  The link is to the White House calendar for the week of Dec 2nd – 8th.  You’ll find several important events have been postponed.  This is what leads me to believe that the funeral and death of Bush Sr was setup for this purpose.  To postpone and try to get these meetings pushed back until next year when the Dem’s have control of the House.


If there’s any significant relevance to this post, I don’t know it.  Probably a placeholder for something coming.


Q building up the Hannity show that night.  There was supposed to be the whistleblower mentioned above ( Cain ) on the show to talk about the Clinton Foundation.  It didn’t happen, that’s somewhat addressed in a later drop on this day.


If you’re not up on the lingo, think of “trolling” as tricking and leading something on.  Step 1, Donald Trump mispells “scott-free” as “Scott Free”.

Step 2, people.com writes a story about Trump’s typo:


Step 3, Q then points out that “Scott Free” happens to be a film company that did… “The White Squall”.  Remember one of the biggest slogans from Q.  Where we go one we go all.  Guess what movie that’s from?  You got it.


Most people just miss it, but the ones in the media who actually believe and are covering it up basically get to cringe and possibly feel dumb.  Do they comment on the typo, do they ignore it.  What do you do.  Trump just making little references that aren’t proven Q, but you can’t ignore.


Here’s the trailer that even uses that quote.


Shout out to someone to say we’ll fast track you in FBI or Secret Service.  Best guess is the policeman who has been penalized for wearing the Q patch in Mike Pence’s tweet.  Timing of this post and that action were close.


Q telling us the plot has been moving forward ever since the President started it.  Sounds like “The Calm Before the Storm” comment that he made in press release with military was the trigger to start the operation.  I didn’t look, but I assume Q started pretty close to that timeframe.  We want to see things happening, watch the News, FBI, and DOJ.  This last week there has actually been some active “good” things popping up in them.  News can’t help but cover some things that if you know what’s going on behind the scenes, you realize what it means.


Sounds like Fox blinked.  Hannity had several guests coming ( one was Cain ) and the Execs got too scared and called it off.  They wanted them to Focus on George H W Bush rather than expose the deep state.  Not sure if this was an actual counter move, or if they were sort of setup.  Another nail in the coffin for FoxNews.  Trump even tweeted on it, then it was changed.  Fox isn’t our friend.  Some of the people on Fox, yes, the execs, no.




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